Alchemik X Dedhed Video Ft. Beverchakus and Tjorgy

No phone footage here, so watch on the big screen because it looks crissspy! Drove down to tricities to film with Tyler Jorgensen with the help from our friend Tony and it was a very fun day!! Using the new Alchemik Prototype titanium yoyo and various Dedhed counterweights!


Awesome vid love the vibe

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Excellent video. Thanks.

Alchmik looks fun.


Thank you peeps!! And yes, Alchemik is verrry fun. I’ve been having a blast with them. Absolute tanks too, as far are durability goes. They are light at 62g so they don’t feel like a tank but mine are glass smooth still after slamming into each other and slamming and rolling down the side walk more than once. Lol just wait to see what they got cookin’ up though. One in particular will be my new main throw when it’s released… :sunglasses:


Amazing stuff as usual!!

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