Can’t even pull out a toothpick in this country without getting arrested…
I’d say get a fast playing yoyo, and just practice tonnes. Whilst using a heavier yoyo and then switching to a lighter etc might help, it’ll still only work if you’re putting in the practice enough. Alternatively, be Japanese.
The best way to get fast in yo-yoing is to practice your tricks. Smoothness=speed. The more you go through a routine, the better you’ll be able to throw the trick and the faster you’ll go. Weights are just going to hurt your wrists and feel weird.
I’ve found that “speed” in yoyoing is more influenced by reaction time than by actual muscle strength.
If we follow this logic, then practising with weights or a heavier yoyo would actually be counter-productive, as you would get used to a slower moving yoyo.
The technique I’ve found most effective is running/jumprope/push-ups or any exercise that would get your heart pounding THEN practising your yo-yo routines. This replicates the stress in a contest situation and also helps your mind focus, thus a faster more accurate perfomance in the long run.
The weight thing I think is quite bogus in regards to yoyoing. If u could do that with yoyos u could also say that if you can juggle heavy balls than u should be able to juggle more lighter ones because your hands are stronger and can move faster. Doesn’t work that way. Skill, hand to eye etc. is huge.
I don’t thing it would work because the trouble with going fast with the yoyo isn’t moving your hands, it’s moving the yoyo, with takes more technique than anything else.