Dale Oliver picture from 1998 YoYo Boom - Earliest Offstring Photo?

Worth noting that Jon Gates is the one who figured out how to wind up an offstring yoyo. Before that the Duncan guys would throw it and catch it on the string and do whatever and then just catch the yoyo in their hand and manually re-wind the string.


I had the pleasure of seeing him do this live at a mall performance in 1999ish. Mind boggling.

Another member in the audience shouted at him, “but can you do it on a fixed axl” while holding up a wood, what looked like a flores/Duncan carved woodie. Dale, without hesitation said back, let me see that thing, He proceeded to perform with the mans wood Yo.

This is one of the reasons I’m still active in YoYoing to this day. Dale is a Playa!


Yes! If I remember correctly I think he told me he had tried to do the diabolo trick ‘elevator’ where it climbs the string and instead did the first bind return and created offstring.

I also didn’t get a chance to watch this full interview but maybe the info is here - awesome that @DocPop captured this!