Hey there!
A friend’s Creater is becoming less and less responsive.
The yo’s 1 month old, and now we can’t “tug it up” after a sleeper. When I give it a strong tug, I see the string wrapping around the axle for 3 or 4 turns, then it unwraps as the yoyo goes back down, without slowing much its speed.
When I do a strong breakaway, most of the time the yoyo lands on my hand with the string unwinded, then rewinds only on the remaining spinning in my hand.
We changed the string, and it still behaves the same.
Should he invest in new silicone pads ?
Is it normal to wear pads in a few hours usage ? (I’d say max 50h of training over a 1 month period).
Or is it rather a call for thick lube ?
I can’t help but compare with my OD Deep State, on which I’ve spent far more time, and it’s still having a smooth and predictable response.