Could YYE place pressure on Yoyof*ctory?

I will continue to support yyf because I like their products

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Eliminating Y*F from the community would certainly be a sacrifice for YYE. That’s not what I suggested though. All it could take is a text from peer to peer saying, “Hey, I can’t continue to sell your product in good faith while you continue to behave inappropriately.”

I find it entitled of you to feel comfortable enough with the situation to not really care if anything happens or not; to be able to move along unaffected without concern that it could happen to you or someone you know. Yours and my business will not be missed by Y*F. A halt on sales at YYE would certainly be noticed.

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You think it’s right to put Andre and Yoyofactory out of business

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I mean in all honesty I agree with OP.

If you force someone’s hand the gesture is meaningless.

It’s up to Andre what he does with his own company. And then it’s up to you do to what you will with your wallet.

Forcing someone to do something because you want that outcome is just that - forcing someone.

Doesn’t mean they agree with your views means they made a business decision

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Exactly you have the right not to support them but that’s as far as this needs to go period


Who people support can actually have a lot to do with judgement of character and this has been proven many times in the past with other companies who became problematic.

Just because it isn’t “to you” doesn’t mean it isn’t period.

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I’m not going to argue with you

Choose who you want to buy from it’s as simple as that


I’m closing this until Andre has a chance to weigh in on it.