I have a onedrop CODE 1, The Relic edition. I got it with CODE 1 side effects and they seem to be stuck. I own some spikes and ultralites that I want to try in it but can’t get the CODE 1’s out. I already saw Brett’s video and tried what he suggested, but it didn’t help. I tried tapping them on a flat surface, and just pushing them out. I also tried putting it in the freezer for a few minutes but that didn’t help either. These things are really stuck. Any help?
I can’t get to where the o ring is with the side effect stuck. I did put a drop of lube in, though it didn’t look dried out to begin with. Didn’t help…
Weird, I’ve never had any issues popping out SEs. Normally doesn’t take a lot of force either.
I’m not sure the freezer method will help at all as both the yoyo and SEs are made of aluminium (though different alloys) so they probably contract at very similar rates. It works with bearings as they’re made of steel.