clyw yeti

Yeah if only there was a way like this to ensure the bearing could be lubed and taken apart, etc. I think the two spacers would still stick to the bearing.

Spacers and bearings are cheap, no big deal, just want more. Confused how Steve Brown is now part of CLYW, but i say sell unassembled Yeti parts kits for like $30 and let people sand, tune, and assemble them on their own. Iā€™m assuming Chris just shipped Steve all the Yeti stuff and let him take care of it? What a fun yoyo though. I was the biggest Yeti hater, but man iā€™d love to buy at least 3 more.

Steve is now Marketing Manager for CLYW, heā€™s not just the ā€œb-gradeā€ guy anymore :slight_smile:

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I like the idea of us assembling them. It would be kinda fun, and hopefully cheaper.

The return rate would be astronomical. Iā€™ve seen what you kids do to yoyos that are already assembled correctly. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yea I wouldnā€™t want to try assembling it myself

What? You just put the axle in, response pads, and then the bearing and spacers (thereā€™s also a sticker).

There is significantly more than that.

Does sanding count as assembly? But testing would be an issue.

Inflated like the $80 CLYW charged for, what, the only ones released via the interweb?

CLYW is becoming the Apple of yoyos.

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ā€œRejectā€ Yetis!!!  30$

And all you haters donā€™t have to buy from CLYWā€¦ they get along just fine, from what Iā€™ve seen.

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Funny side story.

I just told my Mom that CLYW was making more Yetis and she said oh youā€™ll have to get one and I was like YES YES YES!!!. Normally my Moms like ā€œyou donā€™t need more yoyoā€™sā€ but not today I guess.


Itā€™s funny how in almost every thread about CLYW I find hate, but no promotion is bad promotion so just keep hating. The yeti is a great throw canā€™t wait for more.



Yea Yetis Are Awesome.

CLYW makes great products and has nice service, so no theyā€™re not.

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