CLYW Puffin Review

Are you using a fixed axle sleeve on your Chief?

I would totally laugh if it had fireball guts in it.

So i exaggerated how much longer it sleeps than the chief but the puffin at least about matches it

I feel you are still exaggerating unless your Chief has a dirty bearing.

My Puffin has great spin times, comparable to my Chief. But I did put a TX treated CT in it, and the chief is stock.

Yes. The spin time is lacking, but, that’s not what this throw was designed for. It was designed to fit Palli’s style of play and to be as stable as all get out. And hey, who needs enough spin for a 10 minute combo, you end up bringing it back to your hand enough as it is. :wink:

I think the puffin is one of the better throws CLWY has created (I have most of them)
I love it!