I have something to say.
When I was young, in my days of the age around 7-12 ish, I had a dream.
My dream, was to be an adult.
I always looked up to adults in the professional world, and I wanted to be just like them. I wanted to talk bigger, be better, not be a “child”.
I strived through much of my childhood to be like an adult, tried to mingle with adults, I had a deep desire to hurry and grow up so I could be a professional adult once and for all, and I felt I would not be truly happy until I reached this place.
from 7-12, I strived for this, and even into early teen years of 13-16, I strived harder in my daily life to try to be an “adult”.
When I hit the age of 18, I had a huge realization. I had done it, I had finished high school, and was starting college, I was entering adulthood, the very thing I spent most of my childhood and teen years striving for. It was here, and it was now.
As life got more hectic as college life and soon business came into play, I had a realization. This was it, yes, I had done it, but looking back, what happened to my childhood? What had i done? I realized that through this continous working toward wanting to be an adult, I had wasted my childhood by telling myself that childhood was somehow a negative thing. I had a childhood of feeling unhappy and not content, and that is a terrible terrible thing.
I believe all should strive to be greater, but that doesn’t mean that you should be unhappy during the process.
Don’t rush to grow up, and cherish the childhood that you have.
Because before you know it, it will be gone, and you won’t be able to get it back again. Have fun being a kid, and doing the things kids do, cause there is only one time in your life that you can have your childhood, and that is childhood itself. Cherish the time that you have now as a child, cause you will never get that back. Don’t make the same mistake I did, and live an unhappy childhood with a rush to grow up.
Live for the day, and live each to its best. For in doing so will you find happiness, and success.
Love you all.