Chess Players?

I’ve played since I was a kid. Took it much more seriously in high school and college. My senior year I was captain of the BC team But that was ridiculously casual and not serious at all. My career highlight was getting THRASHED by Shearwood McLelland when we played Harvard. He was rated like 2100 and I think I lasted 19 moves but was giggling the whole time. He was super cool about it. Now I only play my brother (also around 2k and also crushes me).

I’d be up for a game - think I’m @kinopah or @edhaponik on :slight_smile:


Sure, I’ll send you an invite or invite me at Whos2move. I can do this when I get home.

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Nice boards! My shop is almost completed, once done a new chessboard is on my agenda to build :slight_smile:


Plunderchess is also really fun.


I had never heard of Plunderchess, thanks. Nice vests around the pieces :wink:

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lol. I wish there was somewhere to play online, the abilities mechanic actually leads to some, interesting games.