http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5204/5340321416_503660edca.jpg http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5090/5340321884_aa61ea5351.jpg
great pictures, and congrats on your pic being recognized by one drop. Btw what kind of camera are you using and also what settings?
awesome pics. especially the cosmo
thanks !
I’m using a Nikon D80 with basic 18/55 and 55/200 lenses, I’m also using fade, grey, polarizer filters
then the pictures go through adobe lightroom to correct colors and whatnot and photoshop to finalize
man I wish I had a d80 right now I’m working with my old minolta x-700 with bl/wh film.
The D80 is nice, but I think I should have waited for the D90 instead
I used to have a D40 (which I used to do a few paying jobs too) which was fun too and that might be found for quite cheap nowadays.