CHEAP. More price drops

I have a superstar that ive had since the PNWR. It is super smooth. The shape is nice and  I like the stacks, but the yoyo is just not my style. Completely unresponsive. Heres some fotos of it.Comes with konkave and 6 pack of Mirage String Pure Blend as a deal sweetner.
110$90$ or 80$ without konkave


For the above…
Beat but still SUPER SMOOTH G.5=60$50$
all the plastics for65$45$

Offer away but would prefer money

mint numba 875 pyro light pm me if interested

Dude, you’ve made like 20 offers including that pyro. Slow down. Your gonna get 10 orders and not know what to choose.

Intersted in a very very very near mint Senza Nome and a beat-ish Dv888?

im sry all refused thats y

whats a senza nome
??? ??? ???

This is a Senza Nome

How is your Dingo rare? Its just 2 matched colors.

more price drops

come on all plastics down to 45$