Charlie - Leukemia update 7/10/24

I’m sorry to hear that bad news :frowning:
I think everything will turn out well and your son will recover, it’s just a matter of time :wink:
Blessings to you and your family. Good luck, you have to be strong!:muscle:


I’m so sorry to hear this. Thoughts and prayers.


Hope he gets better!


Best of luck to your family during this challenging journey. We also have a 3-year-old so this really hit me in the gut. I can’t imagine your overwhelming stream of anxiety and emotions. Stay strong and I’ll be thinking of you. :heart:


Here’s hoping for a swift and peaceful recovery. I can’t imagine what you’re going through. Sending positive energy your way.


My thought are with you and your family. Best of luck.

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Praying for you and your family, Joe <3

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Oh my goodness! What a terrible thing for all of you to go through.

You and your son have all of my thoughts and prayers.

Please let me know if there is anything that can be done to help.


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Hope you all can get through this together and also that his recovery is quick and complete.

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Prayers inbound.

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Praying for healing for Charlie and peace for you, Caitee and sweet Chloe.


Hope recovery is quick, thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.


You are about to see some of the most advanced medicine at work and return to you the little man you care so much for. The options for treatment are very successful.
They do not use the word cure very often, but in some cases in childhood leukemia it is very possible. The most important thing is to be positive, beat it, get on the other side of treatment, then live that full life.


Godspeed. Good luck


I hope his condition improves as soon as possible.
May this prayer reach you and your family from Japan.


We believe a great miracle happened on this day. I pray today is a day of miracles for Charlie. As well prayers for strength for you, Caitee and Chloe.

Happy Easter,


Update 4/1/24
We have been home a week today and wanted to give everyone a quick update.

The initial shock of the diagnoses has worn off. We are happy to be out of the hospital and are enjoying the comforts of home.

Charlie is a trooper! He is on Day 11 of his chemo treatments. He is noticeably weak and tired but he is in good spirits (most of the time!) It’s great to see him playing and hanging out with his big sister again.

Not going to lie, Charlie has been through the wringer the past few weeks and it’s been extremely difficult for us as parents. I have relayed all the msg’s from here to my family, all your kind words have meant a lot to us. We are really lucky to have a big support network of friends/family to lean on. Thank you!


Great update, thanks Joe :hugs: Kids are adorable


Really happy to hear it. Y’all keep on fighting.


One of the worst things to deal with can be feelings of helplessness. Most people can endure quite a bit, but when it’s your kid and there’s nothing you can do to really help, it can become debilitating. Hope that this takes care of it and Charlie never has to go through this again, but just in case… cherish and take advantage of all of the easier times that you can. It’s so easy to get distracted by the pressures of life only to find that time you can never get back is gone. I know you are all so happy to be home. Dealing with situations that require you to be in a hospital really is the worst. Hang in there and you all are still in our thoughts and prayers. :heart: