I just got this awesome fixie from @vegabomb today and really loving it.
Weight 57g
Width 33mm
Diameter 57.5mm
Look and feel: I don’t have any throws in padauk so this is a unique color to me and I’m really loving this like burnt orange look. The feel is fantastic it’s a little smoother to the touch than my Spinworthy and tmbr throws but it doesn’t have a finish like the yyf legend or hildy bros Currier. The shape is a classic fixie shape without deviating too far from tmbr, Hildy, or Spinworthy. It fits nicely in my hand and is just a comfortable throw to hold. Overall a wonderful color and feel to it.
Play: I’ve been playing this for a couple of hours now and it has a nice feel during play. It kind of reminds me of a yyf legend with better weight, finish, and response. It’s response is perfect for me. Shoot the moon is easy and there is no delay with the tug. It’s excellent at kickflips but it seems to struggle with varials. It makes sense when you look at the shape and the weight. Also It’s sleep time is very solid if you just prefer doing standard tricks vs fixie specific tricks you won’t have to worry about anything. Overall if you want to try an excellent handmade throw from a member of our community you can’t go wrong with the caveman go!
The version I got was very smooth in terms of fixies as well.
So very happy you like it @yoyojoe. 
I’ll have to play around a bit to see what I could change to improve varials.
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I personally wouldn’t change it just for that just because i think it’s fantastic as is.
I just got a purple heart caveman go in the mail and I thought I should do a little write up.
Weight 46g
Width 30.9mm
Diameter 55.3mm
I will start off by saying I was surprised when I got this in the mail and it was so different than the first one. This is like a perfect pocket fixie built for travel.
Looks and feel: It has a nice finish that’s smooth to the touch and makes it look very refined. It’s doesn’t have the same shine as the padauk version but the purple still has a wonderful color to it. The feel of the yoyo is also a bit different it has sharper edges versus the soft rounded edges on my previous version. I think I prefer the previous shape but this new shape reminds me of an original Duncan butterfly so it gives me some nostalgic feeling.
Play: if you have ever wanted the perfect pocket fixie this is it. The gap is slightly tighter than most other fixies but it seems to work great for this throw. It has great response for shoot the moon and hop the fence but can also handle kickflips like a champ. I was testing how many kickflips I can get In a row with this and I get about 6 before I drop it. The spin suffers a little bit because of the weight and size but I’m still able to pull off all of my favorite tricks I just have to put a bit more effort into it. Given its size and weight I wasn’t expecting the a very full feeling when I was throwing it but it blew my expectations away. Overall it’s a fun little fixie that is the perfect pocket throw.