Captain Yo

Tom Kuhn insta telling me Don Watson has passed. Sigh.


So many losses in the community recently.

I was just re-reading his yo-yo physics zines the other day.


He had an awesome, long life, and he will be missed. I still have several of his science docs and use them in my Yo-Yo Physics unit at school. :raised_hands:t3:


Wish I met him.



I just found out about him last year. Loved his yoyo physics documents. Very impressive; All done by Hand!!!

I still say we get him nominated and inducted to the Yoyo Hall of Fame!

Prayers to his family and friends.


Years ago he was presented with the Harvey Lowe Lifetime Achievement Award.

That’s about as good as it gets…

Captain Yo>

I had not touched base with Don for years. But I do remember well over 20 years ago, that the day I met him it was like I already knew him on a scale of intelligence, the Captain could certainly run circles around me. But he was so interested in my yo-yo customizing so many years ago that he bumped down his genius to communicate at my level. He never once attempted to intimidate me with his knowledge of yo-yo physics. He was just a genuine person with a heart of Gold.

His energy and his enthusiasm and his overall obsession with people around him being happy and more knowledgeable about spinning objects was second to none.

… he had such an engaging smile, such a quick wit and very articulate communication skills.

I am 73 and I’ve obviously been around the block a few times. I don’t know much about phrase origins. But over the decades, I have heard people in reaction to the deeds of another, mention , ‘Sir, you are a Gentleman and a Scholar’.

In all honesty, I haven’t the slightest idea where that phrase originated?
… but if I had to take an educated guess, without reservation, I would say the person who originally uttered that was speaking to Don Watson.

…. And that certainly sounds like a good guess to me.
All who knew Don, admired and respected him, and held him in high esteem.

It’s been said, that everybody has a double somewhere in the world. a duplicate, a doppelgänger… Somebody just like you.
Well, hate to make a dent in that theory, but Don Watson was one of a kind.

It was an honor to me that we were friends .


I met him at Nats one year. He was running the Tom Kuhn table. I learned all there was to know about turbo discs that day. He was throwing a red custom reactor with turbo discs that he custom punched. What A guy.


AND he was a snappy dresser! Just saw this, a sad day.