Can I get A review

I want to get a Die Nasty cause i am gettin into 5a so can somebody tell me about it

ya its a good yo-yo i would recommend it! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Don’t be lazy. Do it yourself.

Why does everybody want a review before making a decision? You can look at the specs and figure out if you’ll like it or not almost all the time. If it’s big, then it’s big. If it’s heavy, then it probably feels heavy. If it’s light, it probably feels light, and probably is pretty fast.

(Note, that is just usually. There are some exceptions as always.)

It plays great except for the pads.

If you have flowable silicone I would HIGHLY recommend putting it in.

Unrelated reply…

Aren’t forum experts supposed to give helpful and friendly advice?

I think most people like reviews so they don’t drop money on something that potentially has flaws. It doesn’t take an idiot to figure that out, but apparently some of the “experts” are having some trouble.

Well if you do a quick search on any yoyo forum or Google it is easy to find a review.

I think the eXperts are tired of being everyone’s search team.

Both Samad and Apetrunk had posts that were helpful in one way or another, so I don’t really see a problem. If you want you could shoot them a PM and suggest that they respond differently.


“I think the eXperts are tired of being everyone’s search team.”

Not once did Grindmachine ask an expert to provide the answer. They could have said nothing, or attempted to uphold a welcoming demeanor.

Meh, I guess I’m just sick of seeing this crap.

From the explanation of what an expert is:

“As mentioned we want to support those that take that extra effort to help others, who take the time to write legible posts, and take the time to research information and properly present it in their forum posts. These are the kind of people that help you with a trick instead of telling you to search for it yourself. These are the kind of people that post a video as an example or give encouragement and advice. You get the idea.”

Keep up the good work guys!

There ya go… Took me thirty seconds to use the “SEARCH” function…

Wow here’s another moron throwing his hat in the ring.  I don’t think I said searching for something is hard.  Why not help someone out instead of giving them crap?  This person might be young and inexperienced.  Would you throw someone drowning a life preserver if you had one, or just call them lazy?

Who wants to bet on how quick this gets locked now?

I do see your point in that eXperts should welcome people to the forum, not discourage them from asking questions, however, there is a better way to do this than calling them out in a public thread.

Now, lets all be mature and stop posting here.


As answers have been given this thread is locked.

Let’s all try and be nice to each other - its a new year. :wink: