California events/clubs?

Hi I’m new to the yoyo world & Ian wondering what upcoming events are happening in California? Also I’m looking for any clubs!

California is a big state.

There’s 2Yo in the SF, Fellowship of the Strings in San Jose, I have the Sacramento Skill Toy group and Roseville(close to Sacramento) has YoLex nearly every week at one of their two Learning Express locations(they rotate between locations). Bird in Hand in Chico hosts a weekly meet.

There’s some activity in Southern California as well.

I’m trying to run a meet this Sunday in Sacramento.

As far as contests are concerned, there’s CalStates(early March in Sacramento), BAC(bay area classic)(Late May) and Nationals(First Saturday in October in Chico) all in Northern California. SoCal has BLC and a few other decent sized contests. YoLex has added a KendaMAY event in May and does their YoLextravaganza in July

Do you know of anything in Fresno?

Other than two ways to get out of Fresno fast?


What type of activity in SoCal?

I’m not an expert in the SoCal yoyo scene. I merely cruise through there 3-4 times a year to de-compress at Disneyland for a few days.(it doesn’t help, but that’s a whole other funny story).

Anyhow, I know DXL is active and has a few big events a year, but aside from their big events, I hear they have a very active club/group that meets fairly regularly. From what I hear, it’s worth investigating.

There are the SoCal regionals.

BLC is down there.

Redondo Beach has the Sunshine Kit Company and I think they also host or are tied into some large-ish contest.

There’s also some guy on this forum who has a Facebook group that I was a part of. They were actively arranging meets. I left the group only because I was minimizing distractions. I also left some BST-type groups and a couple of other yoyo groups at the same time.

My best advice is if you’re trying to meet up with other SoCal throwers, just be persistent until someone responds with some good information. Don’t limit your search to here. I think Facebook might be what you want to do your “networking” with as it’s usually not too difficult to find what you’re after IF its on Facebook.

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