C3yoyodesign x REWIND Video Contest 2013 - Magne Sætran

That… Was… Beautiful… Your gonna win this thing, have fun spending that $300! So much movement in not just the string, but the yoyo too, thats what I like to see! And your horizontal, oh my god, that was insane! How long have you been throwing?

You’ll eventually find a style that will suit you :slight_smile: Be sure to make a video with your newer tricks then, as I want to see how others use me as inspiration :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you! :slight_smile: Still don’t think I’m going to win though, as there is many players who could easily beat me if they made a video :stuck_out_tongue: I’ve been throwing for soon four years I guess, although with some breaks

Ahhh true. And I think I’ll put it in my YYJ Surge Video entry!
Haha :slight_smile:

Magne is the best yoyoer ever.

ok that is all. carry on.

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Hahah :stuck_out_tongue: Be sure to show it to me when you’ve made it :wink:

Thanks, hahaha :stuck_out_tongue: I always get such creative comments from you guys ;D

Will do!

And Of course! :slight_smile:

I would also like to say thanks to everyone for getting me over 1100 views so fast! It makes me think that I can win the “most views” prize, if it keeps up :slight_smile: Again, thanks for all the support! :smiley:

Shame it only counts views of the whole video. If it counted the amount of times I’ve re-watched 1:49, you’d probably be beating Gangnam Style…

Hahaha :stuck_out_tongue: I explained how it’s done in an earlier comment, if you saw it?

Yeh I was trying it last night. Didn’t really get anywhere, but there’s something quite fun about just flicking the string around and seeing where it lands. =P

Haha, yeah :stuck_out_tongue: Just play around with it, and suddenly you’ll make a new concept :slight_smile:

So far I think this will be taking more than just “most views” O_o

Thanks! :slight_smile: I hope so too, but I have seen many other good entries that could take the prizes :stuck_out_tongue:

Congrats Magne on being shared on the C3 Facebook page! You’re definitely going to win :smiley:

If this doesn’t win, I’m going to buy my brother a monkey and get him to adopt it so that I will literally be “a monkey’s uncle”.

There have been some really great entries, but I’d be very surprised if this doesn’t take home the crown.