I painted a Duncan Butterfly with acrylic paint that I have, I will attach pictures, and I was wondering if there was a way I could do a clear coat. How could I do a clear coat and what would the advantages be?
Also any suggestions for next time?
I have an Imperial that is just asking to be done Spiderman style, and afterall butterflies are easy to find and inexpensive to mess around with.
I’ve painted yoyos with acrylic before and the paint chipped off with play. I think I clear coat would help prevent that.
Anyways that’s really cool it looks like its made of stone.
Brush. Only takes around 2-3 coats, and dries in 24 hours, wait the full 24 hours before touching it. Learned this the hard way And maddog, I’ve tried the enamel spray too, and have found the polyurethane to be more successful.
Yeah, but since Yoyospirit is talking a brush coat than I will use that since I would have to go out side to spray (ventilation, not making a mess) so I will try to find that.
Any chance you can give me an idea where to get the paint Yoyospirit or even just show me a picture of it? I am probably going to JoAnn Fabrics and Walmart anyway while Christmas shopping, but I could go somewhere else if it isn’t completely out of the way.