Butterfly AL Caps

That’s what I plan to do 100% but I’m trying to remind myself most folks probably don’t have a 3d printer lol.

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Ooh, if plastic butterfly caps fit, that could work really well. It’s definitely too light now though. I love the idea of 3D printed caps too. Definitely tag me if you give that a go, @Captrogers

Fat rubber o-rings make good weight rings. 3/16 to 1/4 in. rubber o-rings are available at most any hardware store. Brings the yoyo and see what fits snugly in the cup.


@YoYoExpertGarrett did also back after 2019 worlds


Lovely so I can print something or find some o rings to fit it. Thank you. Time to get my calipers out and scale a weight ring to size

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I’ve wondered how this plays like this. That silver one sure looks great with the caps off.

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Do tell

I didn’t really like how it played without them. I might try to find some orings for it though, to split the difference.

Also worth noting, I got a second one of these recently, and it does not have those pinholes under the axle. So in one of them, the machining must have been adjusted just a hair? :man_shrugging: