Beginners Journey

I think Glen would be pleased with your Spinworthy collection occupying the Top Shelf!!

It’s not actually a “Shelf”. These are Drawer Dividers that I have hung on the wall.

So this morning my wife noticed my update. “You have a problem.”
Me- “Is it crooked?”
“No, I wish you were obsessed over other things.”
Me- “Like what?”
“Cleaning the house, doing the laundry…”
Me- “Those things aren’t fun.”
“You could spend your money on other things; Flowers, jewelry.”
Me- “I could…”

So looks like I need to pick up some flowers on my way home…

Kids also noticed the update. Their response was way better in my opinion.

Son- “That is so sick! I love the honeycomb”
Daughter- “I haven’t seen this one, or this one, or this…” Thanks for ratting me out kid, in front of Mom.

Yoyos start coming in and out of the shelves as they look at the “New to them” yoyos.
“Whats this one, Whats that one…”

Son- “How many yoyos do “You” have?”
Me- 28 (This is the number I always tell them when they ask the generic question “How many (Fill in the blank)” all the time.)
Son- "Nooooo, you have over 100.
Me- No I don’t.

So then it became a game. While I didn’t know at the time what the true number displayed was; I did find out from my son that there are 70 yoyos. This was confirmed by my daughter.

So they “Think” the number is 70. I know better… Yoyo Acquisition Disorder is a thing. I am still not going to admit it, but my wife may be right, I may have a “Problem”.

Was a fun and different way to start the morning.

Have Fun.


If you can’t tell, I am a big fan of Spinworthy. I really enjoy the handmade aspects of these yoyos. AND they all play amazingly and differently. One of my current “Go too’s” is actually the Hard Coat Steadfast that I put a half-spec bearing into and made responsive.

Mr. Glen has been great. Always replies to my inquiries. While they may be annoying.

I have all the Popular Models, and a couple hard to find. I am always keeping a eye out on the BST for some of his other throws. Usually a day late when one pops up. But that is part of the “Hunt” also.

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This is a great story. Flowers would be a good start. I’m working on 26 years of marriage and it takes work. May I suggest trying to find something that you can get your wife that she would enjoy collecting and occasionally get her something instead of buying a yo-yo. Just spread it out a little. Not saying you don’t do this, but if you are not in this habit… My wife has little love for yo-yos but it turned out she really likes the Kendama. Also she’s come to like the game Everdell so we got that and there are tons of upgrades that I can surprise her with here and there. Any effort made to show your wife that you love her and think of her will be well worth it. Most of the time. :grin::+1:


Let’s not forget the crown jewel… that metal Harbinger proto. So lucky you are.


In January we will have been together for 20 years. I wish it was that easy. She is more of a “Collect Memories, not things.” type of person. She is the minimalist of the two of us. Clutter/Collecting things bugs her (Chalk one up for this move.)


Here’s one then… find different places to share a sunset with her. Congrats on 20 years. Look around you brother, that’s quite an accomplishment these days. I love loyal people!!


Congrats on 20! Two kids here, wife and I just hit ten years. Not always easy but always interesting.



I am not sure why people always look for “Easy”. It has not been, and will not be. Definitely fun and interesting with growth and learning (hard) mixed in.


My wildwoods and spinworthy live on the bottom shelf so they are easy to pickup and play.

So far I only have my “Repaired” Gnomad from Wildwood (Story earlier in this thread). I missed the last two yoyo drops. But procuring more is definitely on my list.

I am looking at those yoyos a little differently than you. They are not easy for the kids to pick up and play. LOL. I have no problem reaching them.

I put my shelves up high enough that my kids have to climb something to get at them and if that’s the case they can get any part of the shelf… my office has a lock for a reason.

My kids are all adults now. :sweat:
Actually about to become a Grandpa. That’s gotta be somewhat Boomer-y

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Apparently Bumblebee has a Soccer Ball for a Brain, Camera for his left Eye and a Yoyo Factory Arrow for his right eye!

Kids imagination is amazing.


Kids have been busy with school and sports. Their interest in yoyo has all but faded at this point. Yoyos are available whenever they get the itch.

I find it intriguing how in the last year they have seen a progression like I have in my life;

Find Yoyo, Excited, play all the time. Get busy with life, yoyo takes a back seat. Come back to it. Rinse and repeat. The time frame is weeks to months, not years.

I have been throwing everyday since my last post. A lot of times just basic throws; Gravity Pulls, Forward Passes and Breakaways.

But the epiphanie this month was dedicated “Practice” time. Finding the time to actually practice to progress.

I have been focused on 30 to 45 minutes of practicing while at the kids soccer practice. I have noticed a step change verse what I usually did in the past.

Trapeeze and Trapeeze stalls are getting more and more consistent. I have noticed a change in the throw. I can actually feel the “Drag” in the yoyo and string as I pull the yoyo in the arc. Getting way more spin time and actual accuracy verses trying to throw it out of my hand like before.

The next step on a Trapeeze that I am working is two fold;

  1. Responsive Pop up (Begining of Eli Hops) to a return/catch.
  2. Unresponsive - Still working on getting the yoyo around my non throw hand to catch it again for a bind. Typically I will let it fall to the end of the string, then do a side bind.

Split Bottom mount is coming along. I am consistently getting into Mach 5, But;
Keeping the strings aligned during the rotation is a challenge. When not careful, the string eats all of the spin out of the yoyo.
Getting out of Mach 5 “Gracefully” is also a work in progress.


Yoyo Boomers Club is going good I think…

Responsive Yoyo submitted for Prototype.

Some great discussions around Logos.

Our first Online meet up is this Friday.


Have Fun


Fun little update.

We are at the soccer fields for championship weekend. Son is out, daughter is moving onto the Final Game today.

Inbetween games I ran into a boy “trying” to play yoyo. I got excited to see it. He would just drop the yoyo and try to bring it back, unsuccessfully.

I pulled my yoyo out of its holster and asked if I could give him some tips.

He obliged me. I proceeded to show him how to properly hold the yoyo and throw it.

Watching the smile on his face develop was worth the 10 minutes of time.

Showed him Robin Hood and told him if he sees me around to come say Hi and I would show him something else.

Have fun.


Long Overdue Update:

Kids have not been playing string time much lately. Occasionally they pick it up, but more often than not, they choose other things. My son just recently “Organized” his yoyos on a shelf in his room. I think with them being front and center, he picks them up a little more often.

Daughter seems to carry a yoyo in her little purse, always having it near by. But again, doesn’t play that much.

My Journey;

For the most part, I have stepped away from the 1A Unresponsive Play. I have been focusing on Fixed Axle and Modern Responsive Play.

With being a member of the Yoyo Boomer Club, the last few months has been Crazy.

When the community found out there was not a planned event for Fixed Axle February, the Club rallied the troops and was able to Host the event. This was an impressive undertaking by the Club, with only 2 weeks’ notice, we pulled it off. The group of Gentlemen who came together to organize this event and pull it off is more than impressive. Also receiving sponsorship from various vendors and companies was amazing. Along with the “Guests” who volunteered and supplied video.

The Club then decided to do Modern Responsive March, another 4 weeks of events successfully accomplished.

I am honored and proud to have had a small part in these successes!

2A April has started, with 5A May in the works.

Yoyo Aquisition Disorder is still running rampant with me. I see a “New” yoyo and have little to no self-control. My criteria has become more defined as of late, which I think may help? I still don’t think I have a problem… but the collection has now eclipsed 100 yoyos. Something I never really thought would happen.

Have Fun.


Incredible display!


I love this thread, though I will admit, I have yet to read through it all… I plan on it though. @Pun1sh3R , how old are your kids? My daughter is 7 and still and has no interest in the yoyo but rather than force her into it, I’m going to lead by example, I would love to see her get into this hobby but in the end, I let her decide what she’s into, lol. There is a really cool set of tutorials on yotricks, it’s meant to help kids get off the screens, I think it’s called the Screen Time Challenge they should have called it what you called it in the OP, that’s great “sting time, not screen time”. :laughing: I still need to check out the tricks on this site, I’ve just been using yotricks level up app, which is cool but is a bit buggy at times. I’m loyal to them though, they treated me right when I first received a bad (stripped) yoyo, it’s all about that first impression man… Big shout out to Brian Duncan, he’s the man and what a last name to have when you are in the yoyo industry! They also have an amazing point system, before I knew it I was able to get 2 pretty high-end yoyo’s for free with the points I accrued.

I look forward to keeping up with this thread, it looks like you still update it, which is awesome, over a year of progress, brilliant idear, Cody!


Dude! I love your display, I was just thinking about doing something like this, well my idea wasn’t this cool, I was just thinking about a shelf up high in my living/dining room but that honeycomb set up is awesome!

Are you still as passionate about this as you were when you first started this thread at the end of 2022?

This is what I’m worried about, lol. Right now, I can’t imagine having 100 yoyo’s but a few months ago, I never imagined that I’d have 30 yoyo’s which is where I’m at now, or close to it, give or take a few.