Been Chasing This One For a While

A while back, someone challenged Brandon Vu to hit an upside down DNA. He did it, but he used a Ninedragons. So I wondered if it was possible to do with a regular yoyo.

I poked around, and found the answer to be yes, I saw Palli on team CLYW do it, and he used a glove.

Now, I present to you, an upside down DNA

In order to pull this off, I needed exceptional power, a very good grind finish, contained in a smaller diameter throw. This is because I needed to be able to cup my hand around the yoyo without touching the sides, because it would die instantly otherwise.

I am able to pull it off with decent consistency on the Sengoku NobuMecha, but no other yoyos I own. It took a great deal of practice to be able to grab the yoyo out of the air accurately, but VERY gently.



Check out this guy, he’s got a couple video of himself doing DNA upside down, but here is one behind the back.


As the kids would say…

"Brah, that’s totes ballin’ "

Then some other kid would reply…

"Bet. "

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I have officially been one upped! I had not seen this before! Thanks for sharing.

I’ve got to try that myself.

Although he did it from a fingerspin. I found the most difficult part to be grabbing the yo-yo directly out of the air.
His variation is probably still harder though…


Well, I can’t do it myself, but now I might have to try and see if I can hit the upside DNA with the tips you mentioned.

If yoyoing was magic then this trick would be dark magic, it looks weird and unnatural but also amazing at the same time.

This guy is an absolute finger spin god. I’ve been following for awhile but he’s really made me realize just how creative you can be with finger spins and grinds

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Nice one, Rob!!

How about sideways…. How is that possible?

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I learned the behind the back variation last afternoon and recorded some sideways variations, but then I had to run to a concert, and forgot to post them. Anyway @l17sky here’s the behind the back variation. He does it with more finesse, but give me a break, I just learned how to do it :smiley:

Its tricky, because you can’t see what you’re doing, but you can take your time to grab the yoyo just right because it’s on a finger spin. For me, it was a little easier than the first upside down DNA I posted, but some might find my version easier.

But mad props to that guy for coming up with the variation. I never would have thought of that!


Personally, I find the sideways stuff to be a lot easier than anything horizontal. You can let the yoyo rest on one of it’s edges on your fingers, whereas horizontally, your fingers have to support the yoyo all around, making more friction. I’ve been making variations on that for a few years.
I actually recorded some last afternoon at the same time as the behind the back variation. I intended to post them here too. You read my mind!


Super slick moves man! Keep it up! Love it!


This is rad.

When we wrote the product description for G5 in 2006 it theorized these try of grinds (and transitioning off a hubstack is much easier than catching) but no-one pushed it that direction.

Good to see progress!


Man, now I feel like I gotta learn these too, gimme a couple days, I’m still working on just holding the yoyo upside down

Has @Palli seen this yet? I remember seeing video of him doing the sideways DNA but the upside down one is something else.

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Almost 7 years ago :sweat_smile:.

@yyfben2.deactivated You actually filmed this haha


Also, fun fact the shape of the 2017 CLYW Puffin and Rvk.RT Ragnarok were specially designed for me to land this trick easier. I call the upside down grinds Eagle Claws since it’s like grabbing the yoyo like an Eagle grabs it’s prey.


And with no glove!


Just saw this. Thank you Andre!