For those who only need to order something like response pads and don’t feel like paying an extra 5$ for a 3 dollar item?
We do have it
It costs $1.30 for standard shipping.
However, there is no option for it.
You should buy in bulk though. ;D
But, I don’t want to really buy in bulk?
Get a few of them.
Get some string, get some lube.
Get things you might need in a little while.
I’d buy two or three pairs of pads…
Okey doke
Yea, there we go, that’s what i meant lol. ;D
YoYoNation has $6 shipping! We think we’re furious! We’ll force them to come to us! Muhwahwahwah!!! (Didn’t know how to spell that…)
Or buy a yo-yo with it. Like Evan said, buy something with it that you’ll need in awhile. That’s a good idea. Oh and have you seen how much express shipping is? $21 to have your yo-yo a few days early? I don’t know. Anyways… yeah… buy in bulk.
The thing is what if you don’t have the money to buy a lot? What if you only have a little money and just need pads or something?
Buy alot of pads then… or at least over $5 worth.

The thing is what if you don’t have the money to buy a lot? What if you only have a little money and just need pads or something?
Anyhow, buying a lot of pads wouldn’t make a Priority Shipping box worth it.
Then, Parcel Post it!
Don’t know. It would rely on Andre’s method…
Use the pack ■■■■■■■ uses for string.
Priority mail is just standard for this store. There’s nothing to do with that.
Yeah. Flat Rate is good, too.

Yeah. Flat Rate is good, too.
Flat rate is USPS’s way of saying: “We care about people outside the US”. 13 dollars for everything you can cram into that box. Much easier than 20 dollars for everything under 1 pound and about 26-28 for a regular order.
Oh. Haha. But I kind of meant all the box sizes for one price. My Dad went to the USPS, and it was like $17.50 for Next-Day Air. It didn’t get there next day, so he got his money back, and it shipped for free. ;D