[Bargain Sale] FS Hydrangea, A-RT, CLYW, C3, Throw Revolution, Strings, and Parts

Important Note : Prices below are the only yoyo’s price. You have to cover Paypal fee(Both of F&F G&S OK) and shipping fee. Due to I’m in South Korea, International shipping is necessary for sale. So, if you’re interested in my yoyos, Please send PM me, so I’ll let you know about final cost(value of yoyo + paypal fee + and internationl shipping fee).

Additional note :

  1. Sicne I cannot describe perfectly all of my products in this post, if you send me PM and let me know about what are you interested in, I’ll provide more information(photos, video, description) as detailed as I can.
  2. Although the shipping fee depends on many conditions, I guess it’ll be 20-25 USD.
  3. Due to time difference and my job, my PM reply can be delayed. But I’ll pay attention to reply as fastly as I can. Please understand this.
  4. A-rt, Clyw, C3s are with No box. Hydrangeas, Throw Revolution have box, except for Quercus.

(From Left to Rigth, From Top to Bottom)


(Sold out)1. Berberis - 300USD

  1. Aquilegia - 220USD

  2. Lisianthus - 160USD

(Sold out)4. Quercus Hard coated - 70USD


(Sold out)1. DK(Light Blue) - 100USD

(Sold out)2. DK(Avocado) - 70USD

  1. 420(Powder coated) - 140USD


(Sold out)1. Artic Circle1 Custom painted - 15USD

(Sold out)2. Orca - 90USD


  1. Galaxy diver 7075 v2 special edition - 50USD

  2. Berserker SS - 30USD

  3. Remaster Galaxy Sora Ishikawa edition - 10USD

  4. Windoundary Porykon Edition - 10USD

  5. Porycrash Black with Rainbow rim A(This one has many flaws and vibe) - 3USD

  6. Porycrash Black with Rainbow rim B(This one is neat, unlke A) - 20USD

  7. Porycrash clear with purple rim(CW isn’t included) - 20USD

  8. Porycrash white with gold rim - 20USD

  9. Porycrash purple - 20USD

Throw Revolution

1.Trident - 15USD

Strings (All string packs are never opened, never used at all.)

  1. Arata Strings 20packs (Neon pink) - 10USD. Yellow one is sold out
  2. Arata Strings Neon yellow 50pack - 20USD
  3. Toru Strings 20packs (Hot pink & baby pink) - 10USD per each pack

1.Six of Kitty String 100 packs XL size, First Class, Neon yellow - 20USD per each pack
(1 of them has been sold, so now 5 packs remain now.
2. OT String Fat size, 100 pack, White - 12USD


(Sold)1. Spingear yoyo case - 2USD
2. Red lether yoyo case - 3USD
3. HKMT grip-c pads 10pack, YYF slim size(never opened, never used) - 15USD
4. HKMT grip-n pads 10pack, YYF slim size(never opened, never used) - 15USD


@mable H5xChief?

1 Like

@fourcorner avocado grail

I wish, but I’m priced out :pensive:

Insanely good yoyo for anybody who can swing that price tag, it holds up immaculately.


Bump. Life, D7, Blizzard have been sold out.

How smooth is the last orca?

1 Like

Last Orca is now pending, but here’s the vibe condition.

3/10 string vibe
4/10 body vibe
(0 vibe means dead smooth)

Thank you

14/8/2023 Huge Updates

Hydrangeas are added
Prices of almost A-RTs and Clyws are dropped
Garret added
Strings, parts, and CWs are added.


16/8/2023 Update

Most of yoyos’ price is dropped.
Sold yoyos are deleted from the item list.

Thank you



20/8/2023 Updates

C3yoyodesigns are added in item list
Most of yoyos’ price is dropped

Yo I’ll take the fuern

1 Like


@mable for the green magnolia

It’s so cool, but way too expensive for me.

1 Like

24/8 Updates

Dropped most of products’ price
Deleted sold ones from item list.


27/8/2023 Updates

Most of yoyos’ prices are dropped.
Feurn & Garret are sold out.