Australian Coca-Cola Yo-Yo History and Price Guide

I’m hoping to find a used copy of this guide or even a digital scan. I’m interested in the information more than owning a mint copy of the booklet. Apparently the booklet itself is a collectible. Prices of these guides on eBay are insane.

Any thoughts?


Ben McPhee is the person you need to talk to (yoyofactoryben)

Odds are high that he has it… he has been obsessed with Coca-Cola yoyos forever and has a massive collection of them.


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Thank you, Kyo for pointing me to Ben. I sent a quick email and Ben said:

"I know the book. Somewhere in the world I probably own a copy…. but i suspect its deep in a box in my mothers garage half way around the world…. From what i can recall the book covers not much more than a list and photos of pre90s coca-cola russell yoyos from Australia. you will probably see a broader assortment of yoyos on ebay in any given day but it is nice to know the range. As far as international stuff…. its vast. I still see new yoyos all the time pop up on ebay  and i thought i had seen them all years ago….

best online:
but yes, someone should make a nice site, even user submitted would be cool!

best regards,

It wasn’t a sweet PDF scan of the Aussie guide but the site is VERY cool, is more up to date than the guide, and might be of interest to other vintage yo-yo collectors.