August 2012-Stick It. Click It. Send it. Win!

converse and yoyos :o

Drill press. Why not?

Also, when are the results of July coming out?

Oh, yeah. I believe it’s an antique.


Trying to learn, need some mothers.

Attached is photo to enter the Stick It, Click It, Send It.
From Papa Yo

Winner will be announced next week.

Thank you to all the wonderful entries. Keep them coming for September!!!

We really apologize for announcing July winners a month late.
Because of this we are going to name the TWO winners who got the most Thank You instead of just one.  So three winners total for July and August.  So without further delay: the winners have been chosen for August!!!

The first person with the most “Thank You” from the forum members was WarGirl for sticker in the hat:,46626.msg452971.html#msg452971
The second was s1mp13m4n with his Eye Doctor picture.  :wink:,46626.msg455309.html#msg455309

And the YoYoExpert staff’s pick for July was I6ify for their ‘clever’ YoYoExpert van stick it (though we can’t recommend this one for future winners!),46626.msg449932.html#msg449932

We are contacting you with your gift certificate codes via Private Message.

Congratulations and thanks to all who submitted a picture.  Keep sharing pictures in the September thread for your chance to win!