Atmos projects x Caribou Lodge Presents: Canopy PC - The Third YoYo in the Canopy Collection Series! - Available Thursday - 03/20 - 8pm ET!

A new chapter in the Canopy Collection! After the success of the metal and titanium versions, Atmos Projects and Caribou Lodge now introduce the Canopy PC—a precision-machined polycarbonate edition that brings high performance to a lightweight plastic design.

Black-Canopy-PC Black-Canopy-PC-02 Black-Canopy-PC-03
With a large diameter, substantial weight, and powerful rims, the Canopy PC embodies Atmos Projects’ expertise in plastic yo-yo design. Despite its plastic construction, it delivers an impressive spin with strong momentum, yet maintains a light and controlled feel on the string.

The aluminum hub, shared across the Canopy Collection, draws inspiration from CLYW’s Otter, adding a refined touch to the design. Blending the casual nature of plastic with serious performance, the Canopy PC is the perfect everyday throw—ready to go anywhere, anytime!


Anybody copping this?


i want to :P⠀

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I love my Canopy AL. I also love plastic yoyos. Im just not sure if I am willing to spend $50 on a polycarb.


Almost 1:1 copy of the iYoyo shooting star. How many versions of the same do we need?

Edit: It’s not the same. I know. It just looks the same, like dozens others. The Shotting Star itself is probabbly a reinterpretation of a copy. You love it, cool. I do not expect anybody to listen to my opinion.


I actually can’t believe you think this lmfao

Crazy, crazy, crazy uninformed comment. These are VERY different yoyos, I’ve owned both - and the only one actually worth keeping was the Canopy. So much so that I have two of them.



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I understand your thinking here because of the outline. However the cup is very different just to start with which would give it a different feel. If this thing had the fingerspin dimple I’d agree. But this is clearly not the same yoyo.


People really should stop trying to call yo-yos copies of other designs. I don’t think I’ve seen a single instance on here where it was a good take or where it stood up to even the slightest bit of scrutiny.


Of course this is about perspective. If you look big picture at it, then all Yoyos are the same. If you take a mikroscopic view, then every single, individual Yoyo will be unique.

When I wrote:

… I was not suggesting they made an intensional duplicate of the iYoYo.

What I want to say: They look very similar to me.

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I don’t know.. there are definitely some yoyos that look like iterations of the same design.


The implication of “almost a 1:1 copy” is intent hence why it’s an inflammatory statement, whether you explicitly state intent or not.

And regardless, the Canopy PC has at best a passing similarity in profile to the Shooting Star but even then it’s a pretty clearly distinct profile. The specs are also wildly different and one is machined polycarbonate compared to injection moulding.

As I said, it doesn’t stand up to even a bit of scrutiny and I don’t know why people feel the need to keep saying stuff like this. It’s inflammatory and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a productive conversation emerge from posts like this in the past, just people having to point out obvious differences to refute these comments like I’m doing here.


I tried this yoyo. It was good.


Sometimes that’s all that needs to be said really.


I think, in terms of profile, dimensions and weight, it looks more similar to the C3 Speedaholic XX.

Definitely looking forward to honest reviews once the initial release hype has died down.

I like my Speedaholic XX yo-yos and the variety of colorways, but the fact that this is machined may get me off the fence.

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I think the way plastic yoyos need big chunks of plastic on the outside all kinda give them a similar look. I think the inner part of the Canopy PC matches pretty close to the yoyo it is really based on, the Canopy.

I wish a company would try to make an undersized PC yoyo. From everything I hear and read though it basically isn’t possible.

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