Asora Test Type-02 Pay it Forward

Awesome! I can’t wait to try both the PIF and the next iteration when it drops. Thanks, dude!

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Is it too late to get on the list? Not sure what the 10 users per post is refering to.



The forum will only let me tag 10 users per post, I was hoping to tag everyone lol.

Absolutely no limit for the amount of people, and no time limit on how long this will go on for.

Ideally I would like this to be like the Silenus thread which has spanned many years, as long as people still wanna try it.


Just realized I didn’t post this with my request to be added. Whoopsies!

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Would love to get on the list. Thank you!

Here’s a link to some feedback.


Anyone that enjoys a laid back yoyo should jump on this PIF! The Asora TT-02 is just a joy to play. Being compatible with caps, side effects, and weight rings really opens up the options too for its play. For future buyers when Nobotik does his next version, the unboxing experience is a very fun one too. He really makes it feel like a boutique experience that justifies the price (if the yoyo didn’t by itself for you). Have fun with this PIF everyone!


To me, it felt underpriced after the unboxing. You get a personalized original sketch of whatever you want! Not to mention a mountain of cool swag.

The yoyo itself EASILY justifies the price.

Asora 2 is a heater :fire::fire::fire:

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Thank you!! Too kind with the words!

I’m glad everyones still enjoying the design and enjoyed the unboxing! A lot of this is me trying to provide everyone with what I would want when buying a yoyo. From the art, to the cards, stickers, to the yoyo itself, I wanted to make the entire package cohesive and fun.

The price was definitely more than I had wanted it to be. For me, this was a major struggle since I’m a new company. Buying more of Asora would’ve helped lower the price, or going through another company other than FPM but losing 7068 and Side Effects in the process. In the end I just felt like this was the best route and hoped that people would understand.

I am thankful people were willing to take a chance on me and my design, especially since it was definitely not in the affordable selection and it’s from a new company/designer.

You can always expect the unboxing to be like this, but hopefully I will improve it over time. I definitely felt like I improved from 01 to 02. A lot of this was me learning how to run and operate a business, so a lot of trial and error, expect it to always change a bit as I find my way.

If anyone does buy one in the future and wants a sketch, just put whatever you want like a favorite video game character / movie / comic book / anime / pokemon, etc… and I will sketch it for ya!


Came in yesterday but I’ve only gotten to it a little today. Seems light and fun cap-less, similar feeling to a Panorama. With the Duncan caps on is has a unique feeling that makes the fun feeling go up quite a lot. Really enjoying this so far and will most definitely be looking to pick one of my own up when they come out with more.


Nice! Did you try the brass in it yet? I feel like it really comes to life with brass SE.


I’ll try it out but usually I don’t like brass SE’s added weight to a throw. Brass UL’s on the Parlay are the exception but I still prefer a lighter setup.


Fair enough. It might not be everyone’s cup of tea. I usually prefer lighter SE too. Parlay and Asora are my exceptions lol


ooooh can I still hop on the list?..



I found out I could link everyone’s name so the list is updated, just message the next in line after your time is done with Asora.

Thank you everyone for joining in.

Hope everyone has a wonderful 4th of July!


My time with the Asora is sadly coming to an end, @yoyojoe shoot me you address and I’ll get it on the way to you in the next couple days.


I’ve been jamming with the asora for the last couple days and it’s been a blast! Getting ready to ship it out to @Captrogers now.


This YoYo has been fun.

I honestly can’t say I have a YoYo that is like this one in my collection and it’s just so fun. This has been added to my want list and I’m thoroughly surprised how much enjoyment I’ve had with this thing.


getting this moved on before i forget to @GnarlyCharlie 9400136208070817236980


Thank you good sir! I look forward to it.


Hey everyone! Just wanted to say that I received the Asora PIF today in the mail. About to lace it up and let it rip!