Artistic Yoyoers?

Looking for help from an artistic yoyoer here. I’m hoping to make some logos for a project but am not knowledgeable in this field. Anyone willing to help me out?


Man, when I was getting HeartStrings up and running, I thought to do the same thing. Being artistic, and computer literate (is that even a thing anymore?), I figure it would be a simple task.
So i got a Wacom tablet, I hacked and cracked Adobe Illustrator and starting to learn my way around that program. Learned how to vector and started designing.

Now, maybe i am just bad at this, but I spent alot of time… a lot… of time in logo design. I came up with hundreds of variations of many many core designs.

Dude, I kid you not. That “simple” task of making intent condensed into logo, that is balanced of positive and negative space, non convoluted, logo, is mind blowing in its difficulty to pull of right.

Now, after abandoning the idea of logo design for the time being, I cannot help but look at logos in a whole new manner. Now when I see a really well designed logo, it almost irritates me at how good “they” were in making it. Im like “dammit! That is so good!!” and i quickly get over it and carry on.

Ill say this, If you are reading this, and you are able to create logos, hats off to you. You deserve more than you think, cause that stuff is no joke!


Perhaps I should be looking to have someone make it for me then? :joy::blush:

You may have better luck than myself, but yea, if you can, find someone and pay them. We are called starving artists for a reason, but this is one skill that is well worth the costs to hire.


Anyone have ideas for someone to contact? :blush:

Google logo design bidding, and check out a few of the sites. It’s kind of like using a bunch of designers to crowd source a design.