Are you an introvert?

Either way, it’s not a life or death situation.

23 Signs You’re Secretly a Pervert - Huffington Post

I don’t even need to read it and I already know… :-X

I would say I’m somewhat introverted, I usually don’t care much for talking with people about trivial stuff. When I’m talking with people I fall into three scenarios:

It’s a funny conversation, lots of spontanious barfing noises, weird gestures and nonsensical topics (that just happens to be part of my humour). This is usually how I spend my time around personal friends who I have in-jokes with. For example, every time I leave a room, I say that I’m off to soccer practice (which I never am), and good friends of mine will just be ok with that. Don’t ask where this comes from.

The conversation is about something I really care for like science, video games or music. I’ll probably be really engaged in such a conversation, no matter if I know the people or not.

This is the one where I have to pretend I’m really extroverted. The conversation will involve people I have just met and not likely to meet again. Topics will be trivial stuff like where people are from, what they are doing. I’ll stand there and pretend to care and politely answer questions and ask them in return.

To sum up, I think my close friends see me as a somewhat extroverted person because I’m really comfortable around them. I’ll throw out an example from last week. One of my friends from secondary school started at the same university as me, and I didn’t know that. She’s walking with a group of people which I assume are new friends of hers. I dash down some stairs and give her a big hug, without her or any of her friends knowing what’s actually going on.