Are ceramic bearings better than steel bearings

James ngl the gold ones are the biggest gimmick ever existed, I had to buy 2 because the usual platinum where finished, after an hour of play you can easily say “see you later” to the gold cover, it get literally washed away super easily by the string friction and the only gold part left will be the “hidden one” inside the bearing recess in the yoyo.

Still I do not get how and why after so many years they keep producing this gold ones instead maybe make more platinum, they haven’t tested them for like 30 minutes? Or at least change the coating formula to make it more resistent, I am not even joking if I say that you see the bearing become “metal” after not even an hour of play.

Said that them work very well as the other DS/NSK

Totally agree, what it matter for me is more the shape of the bearing, I am not super friend with the Center track, I don’t know why but I never felt comfy using them, my choice goes to concave and Ds bearing it makes feel my play “easier and smoother”