Anyone reduced a huge collection down to a handful of favorites?

Not sure what the point of overload point is, but let it be known, I’m already feeling the pressures of the heavy carbon foot print generated from the Toy Industry thus far. Gross in excess and single use packaging.

This is an excellent thread for critical thinking in regard to environmental stewardship for consumers.
ReDuce, ReUse, ReCycle.

With No Regrets, I’ve given away for Free the majority of my yoyo excess, minus all the plastic that went to the dump.

All my yoyos live out on display where they are easy to grab. I don’t keep yo-yos in cases. I used to, but I would often forget I had yoyos entirely when they’re stowed away, not being used.

Think of it like guitar,

Many teachers will advise you buy a stand for your guitar, as you’re more likely to practice when its just waiting for you to pick it up, as opposed to being in a case where you then have to go through the motions of taking it out and setting it up to play.

This has helped keep my collection pretty balanced, and now that my display has some variety of what i like, i find myself quite satisfied with what i have.


Nice analogy. I have mine scattered throughout the house, and will be in a room, see it, just start throwing. It definitely helps ensure I star sharp and they stay played.

I just find some don’t get played due to preferences, which has concluded me to sell those off and possibly buy others to see if they will fit with my preferences.


I did exactly this. I realized what I naturally gravitated toward and rebuilt my collection around those yoyos specs. Personally, if I was more wealthy, I would prefer to have a large collection in a nice display case. But for now, my collection of 25~ is all I need and anytime I think about selling any I have a hard time doing so because they all get played.

If you don’t have a display case, my recommendation is drawers. It’s the perfect middle ground to me. Easily accessible, but also good storage like a case if you cut out a foam to the drawer size. I just rotate the yoyos on my desk/dresser with the ones in the drawers through out the week.