Anyone more then me who going to see wyyc online?:D

Just wondering:)

when is it aired and what’s the streaming address?

I think link is on the worlds site… But yeah I’ll probably be watching.

Can we all agree that we can get on YYE chat iwhule we’re watching worlds? That would be really fun.

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I can’t attend Worlds to help run sound, so I’ll be watching on the live streaming video, with various chat client windows open, as well as my phone on me to be able to lend support to the event from a technical perspective.

Yeah, I’ll do that. That’s a great idea. But I can only cat from my families iPad because I can’t get it on my computer. I think that’s a great idea though.

I will be watching it online. I wish I could be there though!

Whats the streaming address?

I’ll be on.

I want to bring a computer and watch the stream while I’m there, and then turn the computer screen around to the camera and create a paradox. I think that’d be pretty cool, lol.


Yes. .?
Might not be set yet…
@Sniffyo on twitter

Worlds sends live on this address when it’s going(2,3and4th August)