Looking to buy something cool online. Any ideas!?
Google Glass.
Yeah if it didn’t cost so much
Get a smart watch.
A 3D printer lol
Sifteo cubes
I saw these online once now I want them I find them interesting and intriguing.
Oh and how about a 3D printing pen only $99
Does anyone know any good Polaroid instant cameras?
Well, one thing I’m doing is, I have an iPod nano 6. The little one. I’m going to get a watch strap for it. So I will practically have an iWatch for half the cost.
how did I know this was coming.
Cool stuff costs money…
Those were cool 40 years ago. Not now.
You could buy a yoyo. I heard those are pretty cool. Or I saw a remote-controlled paper airplane. You can add remote control capabilities to your own paper airplane. How cool is that?
A yoyo? Who uses those?!?!?
And I loved that site, I went nuts for that plane! I would love to pilot that all day
My sis lobes batman so I sent her the links for the batmoblie,batman contacts,brake lights etc.
Thanks for the advice superman
Rubber band machine gun kickstarter!
There’s always Vat19.
This thing
I have one and it works flawlessly on any emulator.
Oculus Rift