any yoyoers in michigan?

any yoyoers in michigan?

Im from Ohio… cough Buckeyes for the win cough


MER will be in Michigan this summer…

Ima be there… Most likely flaunting my Scarlet and Grey… I plan to compete too…

im from ohio 2, lol, go buckeyes

im in indiana 15 minutes from michigan

Any of you guys making it down for MER?

i want to go so bad :o ill ask my mom if she can drive me.

fyi it will be my 1st contest so ill be like extremely nervous.

Dont worry… Same for me…

i’ll be in michigan this summer. grand rapids/grand haven
near lake michigan (duh)

I’m from Ohio too. I’m hoping to go to MER this year. I was going to but I stopped yoyoing for some reason. My brother’s friend got me started yoyoing again a few months ago. I’m hoping to compete in MER this year. It would be my first competition too. I’ve been yoyoing a lot more in public than I used to. After school, at the bowling alley, in my neighborhood. I pulled it out a few times in public when we went to Pittsburge over Christmas. Hopefully I won’t be too nervous if I manage to go.

Sweeeeet… We gotta make sure we do well… Two Ohio kids pwning in Michigan?

It’s looking like I’m not gonna be able to go this year. We get grade cards next week. My mom said that if I get a C on mine, I can’t go. The art class I’m in is by far the hardest class I’ve taken in my life. We had a 57 question midterm in there (open note). I ended up using my notes for 1 question. It was the only thing on the test that was on the study guide he gave us. Most of the stuff is stuff that only briefly talked about for a few minutes about 3 months ago (and we’re expected to remember it?). And to make it worse… he made some of the questions on the midterm not have answers… this made it so you couldn’t guess at all. I’m guessing that I got about a 55% on this test (that is worth 25% of my grade). So… unfortunatly… another year that I’m probably not going to get to go because of a teacher giving a crazy hard test. (the same thing happened in my math class in 7th grade, so I couldn’t go).

Hopefully I can go next year =\

Its not till the summer man!!! Get good grades by the end of the year…

But if I get one more C then I can’t go. And grade cards come out next week… and I’m about 99% sure that I got a C in that impossible art class.

Only chance I’d even have is getting straight A’s for the rest of the year… and even with that, it’s a small chance my parents will let me go.

That stinks… Goodluck!

mitch if i see you at MER im gonna throw you my g5 so you can throw me your klondike bar LOL

looking for yoyoers in michigan? Go to the mid east yoyo contest in michigan it’s awsome it’s in plymouth michigan i’m pretty sure it’s in July try to do some research on it i went there twice it is so cool I think i’m going to compete this year! :smiley: cant wait

Duuuuuude… Im totaly gonna bring one… I guess I’ll be the guy with a cooler. lol

I didn’t already say that for anything… I’ll be there too though incase you didn’t read that either…