Any Web Developers here?

It happened on my index page. When it gets too messed up, its good to have saved good versions of the site. Honestly, the neater and more methodical you are, it’s not too bad. Like anything else you need to like it and have time.

Then there’s the element of good taste, and preplanning. I made three websites, one for a public library which they used for years before turning it over to a vendor.


Where the hell is brackets and sublime text.

Nower days coding is easy we have plugins like Emmet which builds the basic HTML tags automatically we also have autosave.

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Well everything is hard. We should never give up.

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I agree with you I am also not good in coding. Still I don’t know how some people younger than me do projects. Which I am also not able to do.

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Practice. Coding is like yoyoing. The more you do it the better you get (if you’re practicing right). The progression is slow but real, so you may not notice you’re getting better but you are. There’s code I wrote even 6 months ago that isn’t as elegant as the stuff I’m writing now. Likewise 6 months ago I couldn’t do tricks that are now part of the rotation, even if I don’t think about it.


Yeah I’m wearing glasses now because I couldn’t find a single : that was a ; in a big script I wrote a while ago.


I completely agree with you.

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Totally! I had / have no aspirations to be a coder but with my old site it got to the point where I dreaded posting new artwork because I have little patience for computer-related things so I found an alternative. With yoyoing…agreed. I totally took this off topic. Sorry!

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import React, { Component } from 'react';

class HelloYYE extends Component {
       render() {
              const myMessage = 'I write code in react.js and node.js these days';

export default HelloYYE;

I jumped on react early on, but they changed the syntax a bunch enough that I went back to vanilla Js (plus like jQuery and stuff), no massive framework. For a while we were using Aurelia as a team but it seemed easier to just use .net mvc without a specialized frontend framework for our particular challenges.


wow that means you already know javascript.

Yes, I am fluent in ECMAScript (ES5-7 JavaScript); among others. I started with C++ and have learned: C#/NET, Java, Objective-C/iOS, Ruby, Perl, Python, … I am a computer consultant; so I am constantly learning the latest/greatest.

JavaScript used to be somewhat of a “toy” language. Nowadays, I would say that is among the most powerful object-oriented languages for development. If you are starting out, it is a great way to learn. It comes free with every browser.


That is the beauty of the JavaScript community. There is no “right” answer to any problem. If you can do it with a few lines of jQuery, why use anything else? Frameworks like React.js will shine as your applications grow in size. You will know when you need it.

One plug I will make for React is that it does away with separate HTML files completely. By encapsulating the markup with the class (using .jsx); we FINALLY can use real object-oriented design patterns for web-application development. This is a huge leap forward.

Since you are using .Net, there is little need for a framework like React or angular. As you migrate to the cloud, however, the chatty, transactional nature of .Net will start to pad your monthly bills. That is why many are pushing much of the load to the client using single-page applications. The .Net development world is not well suited to JavaScript frameworks. Do not even get me started on TypeScript… seriously.