Anotogaster vs Flex

  • Gaster
  • Flex
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Gotta grind soloham to show off at nats smh

its hard to beat the aesthetics of the gaster imo

Haven’t played either but I know Sean de los Santos used to compete with and film soloham vids with the anotogaster and mentioned multiple times that he really liked it in the r/Throwers discord. Any other thoughts @44sdls ?

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I don’t have experience with throwing 4a at all. But I will say that you could do far worse than to heed the advice of @Sgt1yoyo1

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Is the autOScopy any good it looks good

I agree that the AutOScopy does look really good! I will say I haven’t personally tried any YYR offstrings but have heard good things about many of them. I can say first hand that Japan Technology offstrings are top notch and I own 3 different models and can speak to their pros and cons for standard 4a: Amulette Pro, Ciel, and the new JetSet. I also have the iYoYo UNLiMiTED and it’s also a fantastic choice especially if you like grinds and finger spins. All of these yoyos are more than capable of soloham and many top players use them regularly for soloham and could vouch for them as well.