Another one, Yoyofreaks, edges, OD, Clyw, art, tp, and more fs

Another round going up. US shipping only please, feel free to offer, all prices are f&f with shipping included. G&s you cover fees, ty again for looking!

Project Ti b grade for 2 blemishes in cups. Best deal on a Ti around! 165

Spectra ply blood cell - 75

Old school throws quint - 65

Saturday market intro- 55

Peregrine- 80

POM draupnir- 80

El presidente- 75

Kodiak- 85

Recess vacation - 75

Khuno- sold

Counter jet - opted to keep

Hash tag - 75

Sharp - 65

Quail - 100

Masamini - 95

Author v1 - 55

Monster - sold
Ko’olau - 75
Ultimatum- 75
First edge purchase gets the Pom wedge added on

And for the loopers

1080s - sold
900s - sold
SoS 720s - sold
Regular 720s - sold

Thanks again for looking!


@Captrogers SOS!!!


Came here to tag @Captrogers too :joy:

Also, dang that’s a lot of heat and great deals!

Also also, the angle of the pics gives a weird perspective where the top half of the yo-yos look much bigger than the bottom halves and it’s cracking me up for some reason :rofl::rofl::rofl:


@Yo-yo_Power gotta get the other one in the race too :melting_face:




Anything claimed in the next 20 mins can get shipped today, ty all for buying

Thank you! Snagged them.

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