Anodised Oxy 5 Elements yoyos HELP!

So in a bid to hopefully make some progress with my very long term search for all of the Oxygene Oxy 5 anodised elements yoyos ive decided to see if anyone has some information on them that i might have missed.


Three of each of the elements were originally made in 2010.
I currently own an Earth and Air and am aware of the location of one Fire (the owner of the Fire has said he would only even consider letting me have it if i found a Water first).
I am also aware of the location of a complete elements collection of which the owner is adamant that he does not want to let them go.

This leaves more than likely another whole elements collection and more than likely this Water floating around.

Unfortunately ive never been able to find any further information about this sale.

The only other information i have of the potential location of some anodised oxy 5 yoyos is that a yoyo museum in the USA purchased a number of them.
I have since messaged every yoyo museum in the States that i can find but had no luck so far.

Unfortunately these throws are like ghosts and im pretty much out of leads on them so i thought id throw things open in the hope that some one may have seen, heard, know where a Water or/and Fire may be.



Bumpity bump
