Android YoYoExpert App - Broken?

I’m not sure how many people on the site use the app… I was mainly using it to browse the list of tricks as I get back into the hobby. The day after the Forum re-launch, the app on my phone stopped working. As of now, it crashes on startup and gives me an error that says: Network Error (get_cofig)

Is this happening to anyone else?

Please note the ‘old YoYoExpert App’ we had will no longer work with the new forum software. This current software is built from the ground up to work perfect on mobile! If you wish to get notifications on your phone you can download the Discourse App for iPhone or iPad 2 or the Android App 1. You can also enable notifications on any modern desktop browser.

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Yeah - here was the full explanation.

I actually am really excited about some updates coming to the ‘trick’ area of the website late this summer (we have been hard at work) - so we might consider an app specifically to better integrate that and make it more accessible down the road (so I hear you and its in the works)!

Definitely feel free to give us anymore feedback though! Sorry about it suddenly stopping on you.