Almost done with my first Book Project :D

Hey everyone! Some of you have known about this or have even seen transcripts of it over the past few months. I started down this path back in March of 2009 mostly in an effort to make it easier for me to teach kids from my yo-yo club how to yo-yo while taking myself out of the picture. It’s gone in backburner mode a few times and at the start of January I jolted it back to the front.

So this last week I hunkered down and for the most part finished the first piece of my project. It’s an introduction to yo-yoing book called Learn to Throw: a Beginners Course in Yo-Yoing. Not sure if it would be useful to many yo-yoers who have more than a month of experience but the whole point in this book (soon to be series) is to be an introduction anyhow. I’ll be recording video to go along with it at some point but for now I’m happy I finally finished the bulk of the project.

Just wanted to share that with you guys, you’ve always been really supportive and I figured who would be more interested in this than the yo-yoing community.

If you wanna read some more about this there’s a post on my blog:

Hope you guys have a great weekend!


I don’t really understand, will this book be able to be bought like on amazon or something, or is it a one off for your yoyo club?

If we could buy it, I would definitely buy it, It looks awesome!!!

Thanks for your question Cameron; it’ll be available on amazon eventually, initially. I’ll have one or two hard copies at the yo-yo club for the new guys to use so I can spend a few more minutes focused on the kids who are getting to be more advanced that I’ve been neglecting. Thanks for your support :slight_smile:

Awesome, I will buy it when it is available, anyway good luck!!!