
Hey, do any of you live in Alaska?
We need more people in the yoyo club…
It’s kinda dying off… :cry:

Pm for details.

Bump bitty bump

will there be alaska representation at worlds? are you going?

No, unless I can get the money… :cry:

Bada bump.

there was one guy i met on chat who said he was from alaska, i can’t remember his name though… but there is some one out there.

I live in wasilla! Where are you?


I do live in alaska, and I go too, but he is right. most of the time it is just me and Death, and maybe 1-2 other people :'(.

free bump for my friend

Thanks man. I feel better now.
Rum bitty rum bump a de da,
Rum bitty bump bitty doo.

I live very close to Alaska…Alabam. LOL jk but thats how Alabama is, we have maybe 20-30 yoyoers here. :-\

That’s better than 2-4 people :(. Plus, I am the worst one of them :cry:

bump for Alaska good luck on the club


Cheer up man, you haven’t met my little bro…
;D ;D


Nice, The Game ;D

Yup. ;D
Any more folks from the land of the midnight sun?

at least you HAVE a yoyo club.
Kentucky has nothing.

Place to meet + one other thrower = yoyo club
Getting others to start is a way to get it going.