Since rate of precession is proportional to perpendicular torque applied, an object with 9% more linear momentum that hits the wall of the yoyo and stops will experience 9% more impulse from the string… i forgot the math already, but it would definitely tilt more
So with heavier side effects and and the yoyo moving at the same speed and hit a string slightly off axis, it would cause more tilt… I want to say at the same percentage as the increase in mass (ignoring the minimal increase in rotational inertia) or at least proportional to it with some coefficient that depends on soooo many things like coefficient of friction…
I really don’t know! I don’t understand how the brain works, and I’ve only been yoyoing again for just over a year so I don’t have a great sense of what changes in the yoyo affect the feel in play the most. Very broadly, though, the feel of rim weight is better as the diameter goes up, probably because your mind expects a larger object to have a greater moment of inertia.
Yeah, this is true and I didn’t account for it. The shape of the yoyo also affects that a lot - the quicker the string is redirected to the bearing, the less time it’s pressing on the yoyo body, slowing it down and applying torque.
I was doing back of the envelope math and have a sneaking suspicion that the mass ultimately drops out… but it makes sense with my intuition… stuff like gyroscopic flops speed just depends on the rotational inertia… but off plane string hits has the mass drop out and depends mainly on the ratio of mass to rim weight so it feels less stable
Absolutely about the issue of redirection, but side effects dont affect the shape of the profile, so the “extra” tilt due to the extra mass should still be proportional… i think that kinda explains why H just feels more unstable to me… bouncing away is bad, not only you tanked the impulse to stop the yoyo you now have to add the force to bounce it up! The best is to direct the string to the bearing before it stops
Edit: speaking about H shape… the “rationale” never made sense to me (ie being a more extreme weight distribution)… the shortest path from two points is a straight line… so if you want to maximise rim weight V shape does it best (hypoteneuse shorter than two perpendicular line, so less material used) So its the worse of both worlds, less rim weight and worse at directing off plane string hits. I personally love H tho, only for ergo reason tho, i just like how i can fit a finger in it and how well it rolls off.