8 thread string testers for Slack Bros. String Co.

Hello everyone. I have asked before about string testers, and I am looking for at most 3 more people to test them. I made some 8 thread string, not type 8; this stuff is really thin, though it keeps shape like a pro, and I want a few reviews for it to see if people would like it. Post in this thread if you want to try it, and if you are within the first three I will pm you to give you more info. I will send this via snail mail, and can only send to US addresses. If you get some, please leave a review and some feedback once you try them out.

I would like too

As long as no scam is involved

it is not a scam. I’ve sent out string samples to people before free of charge. I just want some reviews on strings, so I can get my name out there. Don’t worry, although I have no feedback yet, it is because I haven’t made any trades or transactions yet; I am currently trying to work on that though.

I would try them! I have tested for two other company’s and make string myself!

I’d love to!! I love trying new string!

I’m in

I’ll do it.

Too late. Oh well :frowning:

For those of you that were too late, I will try to remember you guys for my next string sample.

Remember me for the next string sample!!

Ooh, type 4… Lovely. I love thin string. Holds tension great, and allows you to get it very, very tight for whips. No good for fancy binds, though.

Very true. The only fancy bind I have been able to get is a trapeze laceration, when the loop is almost all the way up the length of the string; even at that, the string got so tangled… Though the best part about the string is that I was able to put a whole lot of string into the gap. The string doesn’t catch on the response unless you have seriously messed something up.