5IVE by Yoyorecreation! - Slim Line Plastic Yo-Yo!

Introducing the 5IVE Yo-Yo by Yoyorecreation, crafted by visionary Kengo Kido with the goal of spreading the joy of yo-yoing to all, regardless of skill level.

In an era of advanced yo-yo technology, Kengo Kido aimed to recapture the essence of yo-yos. Kengo envisioned a place where beginners and experts could connect and enjoy yo-yoing together.

Clear-Silver-Hub-5IVE- Clear-Silver-Hub-5IVE-02 Clear-Silver-Hub-5IVE-03

The 5IVE isn’t about competition glory—it’s for everyday enthusiasts seeking more joy and fun in their yo-yoing. With its innovative design, the 5IVE lets players of all levels tackle tricks with ease, transforming spinning, performing, and catching into exhilarating experiences. Experience the original thrill of yo-yoing with the 5IVE!


I have two of these so far so i don’t need another but i got to say if you want a cheap and fun slim responsive snag one of these. they are fantastic.


Oh that’s great to see you carrying these!
I just just ordered one! Looks fun.

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Fun Skinny jeans yoyo. Not that “I” wear skinny jeans…


You’re going to need to get a pair of jeggings to pair with it.


Looks cool. I like the beveled edge on the out rims.

5ive is a nice play on the word five. :wink:

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Have you tried looping with a 5ive?


I tried looping. It works but it’s still a pad based YoYo so consistency wasn’t where I would like a looping YoYo.


Well those certainly went fast.


They have every single time

Here I was sleeping’ on the drop.

They are cheap so allot of folks kind of go “why not”

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Cheap Price wise, not quality wise.

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That was my thought exactly when I saw they were gone.

They only had 20 of each color I believe

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That was exactly my thinking on this one. I was pleasantly surprised at how much fun it was and how satisfying it is to bind. It far exceeded my expectations, especially given the price. It makes me want to be a better responsive player!


I’m in that category. I already had stuff in my cart so adding the 5ive got me to within $1 of free shipping.


I’m tempted to hunt one down, but I already have a poly Mijo so it may not be worth it.

I imagine more will drop over time. The fact they sell out instantly screams we want more

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