5A butterfly help

hi guys,
I’m trying to get into 5A and im having a little trouble with butterfly. Im practicing with a dead yoyo by swinging the yoyo frist, then throwing the counterweight. I usually get about 3-4 perfect revolutions but then my dice collides with the yoyo and ruines everything. Does anyone know how to fix this? I’m trying to throw the dice at a slight angle but it still ends up colliding. any help?

It’s all in the thumb. You make a weird back and forth motion with the thumb. It also helps to get the up down motion really consistent

Practice is all it takes. Also try with a whole bunch of different counterweights. I use different counterweights for different tricks

normally what i will do is just like the astrojax thriller. What i mean by this is taking the dice and putting it just a littler shorter than the yoyo. This should help with the colliding. But just practice eventually you will find what works best :slight_smile:

this is the kind of 5A tricks that I found specially hard to get for some reason

keep your string tense at all time and then it’s basically nothing but a matter of rythm