Looking for something readily available for purchase, or something that can be 3d printed or maybe laser cut veneer?
Found a 3-spot on thingiverse, but looking to hold at least a 5-piece Throwtation™️.
Looking for something readily available for purchase, or something that can be 3d printed or maybe laser cut veneer?
Found a 3-spot on thingiverse, but looking to hold at least a 5-piece Throwtation™️.
Some options on YoYoExpert:
Only in white but could be a good base for stickers.
The following are unfortunately out of stock, but maybe they’ll be restocked in the future:
Great suggestions! I should have been more specific. Looking for something that will sit on my bookshelf, and act as a stand, rather than a display. Pardon the mess, but something like this:
Ahhh I gotcha. I know @jakebullock was making yo-yo/kendama shelves for a bit. Not sure if that’s still the case, but if that interests you might be worth reaching out to them on IG; I wanna say there’s pictures of them on there too, but they may have been posted as stories and so not around anymore.
I’ll hit him up
I can 3D print you something if find a file for something you like.
That’s very kind of you! I found a 3 spot, but looking for 5. If I had any idea how to use modeling software I’m sure it would be some sort of simple copy/paste motion to extend it out to 5. Since I do NOT have any idea how to use such software, my previous statement may also be incredibly ignorant, .
How bout I just print you two of the 3 spots and you can have a 6 piece rotation!?!
if you have a 3D printer… learn CAD!!! the only limitations will be size of printer and your imagination!!!
If you want! Got this fiver in my brain now tho.
If you did not find one by next week let me know.
I made about 30 designs all 3d printable.
Most of them I can array to any number I like
Hell yer
I am on holiday but I can help just hit me up mid of next week if you did not find anything better
I’d love to have a 3d printer! Limited by space in the house, a 4yo who can’t keep his mitts off of anything, and desert weather keeping a garage setup out of the question.
I’ll trade you the desert for a Minnesota winter… I gew up out west and miss the desert and mild (if any) winters!! LOL
I feel that! Been here my whole life and wouldn’t trade it for anything. Just doesn’t make for a great printer environment!
@Kray this is basically the exact thing I’m looking for. Just found it in one of your previous posts. Only thing I would change is adding “Throwtation™” across the front in Old English font. But I’m a dreamer, lol. When you’ve come back from traveling I’d love that file. Unless you think something else you have would be cooler .
Hey @TheThrowingGnome,
should I send you the file for @adamantiumpops and you print it for him?
@adamantiumpops do you own a printer?
I do not, but I can get files printed with friends and family.