5 year old YOYOing

Hello, I want my 5 year old to start throwing a yoyo: she always picks mine up here and there and I have 2 of them for her with shorter strings but all I have is unresponsive yo-yos. Can anyone recommend the best yoyo for like a 5 year old . I’m assuming responsive also but don’t want to go into the hastle of figuring out which is best for a child. Any suggestions?


A MagicYoyo Crystal is a great starter throw.


Duncan First is a good Yoyo for kids bc it’s soft. It’s a responsive Yoyo. Also maybe iyoyo sunrise. Loopers are just pretty easy to get to go up and down and idk why but kids seem to naturally be good at looping.

Also SnapBack is a good simple Yoyo.


If you’ve got Hobby Lobby in your area you can snag a YYF WHiP. Hands down my favorite starter. You can even slap a C bearing in it to make unresponsive.


The whip is a great beginer yoyo. I got a bunch for a yoyo club at school and they are really good.


My son really got the hang of it with a Snapback at 5 years old. I recommend that one for sure.


My daughter has so much interest … I got about 50 yo-yos every single 1 is unresponsive. I already ordered the Duncan first and going to se how they like it but there are a few suggestions here I’m gonna try here also. Next time I stop in hobby lobby I got something to get now


You’re going to want to get one for yourself! Slap on the C bearing and send it!! lol.


Whats the yoyo on the left?

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RSO/atmos, Gravity! :fire:

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Butterfly xt. I’ve been giving kids those as they are cheap and pretty okay for beginners

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The Fizz.

It’s the easiest yoyo I found for a young player to throw and return. My 5-year-old and 4-year-old both learned on the Fizz. Most of the time, they just swing it around or pull/drag it on the ground. The key is to let them have fun and get excited when they say, “Look at me! Isn’t my trick cool?” even if they end up making knots around their arms with a dead yoyo.

Just be excited that they want to play with a yoyo, no matter how they do it.