4A throws used in competition?


Is there a resource which lists yo-yos used in competition, primarily 4A?


There’s not a great resource for it unfortunately. OWYYC has a semi-filled out list of the stuff players used in 2021… although there’s a huge number of players who didn’t compete in OWYYC at all so… this list feels a little weird.


At the recent Niigata yoyo contest there were more of the results you’d expect.

1st Nakamura Kaoru - using the C3 Flawless Air
2nd Yasumoto Takumi - using the YYR Anotogaster
3rd Katsumata Taiyou - using the JT Amulette Pro
4th Zanka Tomohiko - using his own prototype
5th Hakamata Takumi - using the YYR Fubar
6th Hasumi Izuru - using the C3 Flawless, although only had airwaves/sky dancers as backups (he’s sponsored by yyf)
7th Nishimura Takuma - using the JT Trueno

This is less than half of the results, but this might be a more interesting list of seeing what people were competing with as of a week ago

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