401K For Trade. Want: FHZs and more...

So, I have this Raw 401K. It’s BB’d on the inside, Polished on the outside. It has like 2 dings that you can’t feel at all and a vibe. It’s not too bad. Still smooth on the string.

-FHZs (Preferably modded. If you have a really nice one I’d trade straight up. Otherwise, I want like 2-3 FHZs for it)
-YYF B-Grades
Just offer.

Also, I have 27 Positive feedback/0 Negative on another forum. I’m sure there are some people on here that can vouch for me.

PM if you have any questions about my feedback.

I can vouch for Juan, he’s an awesome trader. That 401k will be mine!

So Bump.

what will you do for a starry nightm skyline that has pure silver rims/

he means sanded rims

I said it would be mine, and it is. We traded yo.

And please do not necro.

I have a modded freehand 2 with a satin finish with a fade yellow paint job, dual silli reccess and schoomve rings 1 rind and 1 circle ring its really clean and i deshield the beaing and cleaned it as well as it has new silli. pics here aznenemyxp | Flickr

Didn’t you read the post above yours? The post is old and the yoyo is already traded.